The second knowledge forum in the framework of the Nordic-Baltic project against trafficking in human beings will be held on November 26-27 in Mercure Riga Centre Hotel, Riga, Latvia. The forum will focus on the social consequences of human trafficking in the Baltic Sea Region in a regional cross-border perspective and will be arranged as a discussion and dialogue forum, where Nordic, Baltic and Russian actions on social issues against human trafficking as well as best practices of cross-border and cross-sector initiatives and activities will be presented. The knowledge forum will also raise the status of the victim during the different migration processes and discuss how the victims can be helped during the different stages. At the first day the knowledge forum will discuss the social consequences for the individual victims and during the second day the focus will be on the social responsibilities of our societies today. The challenges and roles of the Nordic and Baltic Parliaments will be discussed by parliamentarians from the Nordic Council and Baltic Assembly.
The knowledge forum is aimed at Nordic, Baltic and Russian THB experts, representatives for authorities, social and health experts, police, politicians, researchers, and NGOs. More information is available on